Practice Application

Practise Application

Before the assessment I wanted to have a practise of applying the prosthetic piece. The step-by-steps of how to apply the piece will be found on the Final application and Assessment page.

This is a reflection on how the practise went.

I had very mixed feelings about the practise. I wasn’t sure what colours to do the spikes on the fore head so I tried a blue/grey on one side and then a red on the other. I finally decided I liked the red as it fit in better with the rest of the design. It took me a while to get the skin colour right but once I did I was quite happy with it.

What panicked me was gluing the prosthetic. The main of it glued well but the edges were too thick which made it hard to blend. Also I had over stretched it at the side which then meant the edges of the eyes wouldn’t glue down properly.

I was glad I’d had this practise as it meant I spotted things that weren’t quite right so that I knew what not to do in the assessment. At the same time I also realised what worked so I knew how to do them again during the assessment.

This is the picture of the practise attempt.

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